Temporary exhibitions
By weaving subtle links with the history of the property, Berlinde de Bruyckere and Nedko Solakov offer in 2023 a committed cross-fertilization between their works and the Commanderie de Peyrassol. In the unique setting of the Commanderie de Peyrassol, a historic site that has been preserved and magnified, the floor is given to artists and their sensitivity to the world.
City of Refuge I
April 1 – November 5
In collaboration with Galleria Continua
Interested by the history of the site, a former 13th-century Templar Commandery, Berlinde de Bruyckere found there a notorious echo with her work and the subjects that have animated her since her beginnings. The protection of pilgrims on their journeys to Jerusalem is a powerful image in these times of war, so much so that the artist decided to structure the exhibition around a new production for the Commanderie de Peyrassol, enriching her Arcangelo series. A personification of the burden with which all humanity seems to struggle, the archangel is for Berlinde de Bruyckere a complex figure associated with notions of protection and hope.
Courtesy Berlinde De Bruyckere and Galleria Continua
© Jeanchristophe Lett
Peyrassoldoodles among Philippe Austruy Collection
April 1 – November 5
In collaboration with Galleria ContinuaÂ
Since the 1990s, Bulgarian artist Nedko Solakov has revealed himself to be a great storyteller, displaying an undeniably poetic desire for short narratives, aphorisms, comparative descriptions, puns and semantic double entendres.
At the Commanderie de Peyrassol, the artist presents his famous doodles, wall drawings charged with humor (sometimes ironic, sometimes sarcastic, sometimes simply playful) that allow us to discover or rediscover the history of the place, and of those who shape it.
In the interstices of a crack, the break of a stone, a stain on the concrete or the outline of an electrical outlet, in the art center or the winegrowing buildings, the artist offers a fresh look at this site like no other.
« I like to be surprised in my discovery of places, and to create my doodles spontaneously. I never premeditate what I’m going to draw or write here or there. Spontaneity is essential in my work. […] You enter the space and all you see at first are white walls. You see people kneeling on the floor, others looking up at the ceiling… When you get closer, you realize that there were many small interventions. The supposedly ideal space of the « white cube » for exhibiting two- or three-dimensional works is in fact not so perfect. I insert my little characters by playing with the space, and playing with it, in a very discreet way. » (Nedko Solakov)
Courtesy De Jonckheere et Peyrassol
© Jeanchristophe Lett
Visit of the sculpture park, the collections of the art center and the temporary exhibition
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